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team work vs group work.docx

上传人:wxc6688 2018/6/15 文件大小:43 KB


team work vs group work.docx



anizations might be small at the period of its establishment and begin of its operation. As business and revenue grow, organizations grow in their size and e plex in its structure. It used to be the situation that one people is responsible for a specific mission anization is still small. When anization is too large and business extends, it is unlikely for a single people to finish a certain task. Then team work is expected. Effective team work is an important cornerstone anizations and crucial anizations’ fulfilment of their work and goals (Tannenbaum et al., 1996). From the formation of work teams until reaching the expected e, there are steps of formation (named input), efforts to co-ordinate with each other and to solve problems (named process), and plishing tasks and reaching results (named output). Realizing effective team work thus stresses the proper activities and actions in input, process and output. Those activities and actions guarantee effective team work and thus can anization ess closer.
This essay aims to elaborate how to realize effective team work by distinguishing it from group work. Following definition of effective team work, its characteristics in the steps including input, process, and output are stressed parison with group work. After all this is analyzed, suggestions are made to managers in managing work team. All contents about team work


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