姓名刘昌奇_ 学号 4
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专业电气工程及其自动化班级 09-2班
开课学期 2011 至 2012 学年 2 学期
提交时间 2012 年 6 月日
本文介绍了一种以AD7755 的电能脉冲发生器模拟用户用电情况,应用单片机C8051F360编制程序完成脉冲的读取、计数、计算、存储、显示等功能,用74HC164及八段译码显示器完成数据的显示,使用E2PROM 24C16芯片来实现单片机的掉电数据保护,使用74HC175和键盘搭配实现对每户用电情况清零,并提供了其硬件和软件设计结构,该电能表可实现电能计量、数码管显示、掉电存储、清零等功能。
Eight electronic energy meter with a microcontroller C8051F36 as the central processor, each energy meter eight electricity centralized testing, recycling and power-down protection function. Compared with the traditional induction meter to the power meter, and to improve the accuracy of energy metering, and has a small size, light weight, easy to install.
This article describes the function of an AD7755 power pulse generator that simulates user of electricity in the application MCU C8051F360 programming plete the pulse reading, counting, computing, storage, display, complete data using the 74HC164 and eight out of decoding display, to achieve single-chip power-down data protection of E2PROM 24C16 chip, 74HC175 and keyboard with the household electricity consumption is cleared, and provides hardware and software design structure, the energy meter energy metering, the digital control display, power-down storage, cleared and functions.
8 digital display of the electronic energy meter front panel, behind the household electricity consumption of household electricity consumption, shown in the last six corresponding to the household, household cycle display every 2 seconds to switch a user.
Keywords: C8051F360 microcontroller; AD7755; power; energy meter
1 前言 1
2 设计任务及要求 2
3 设计原理 3
系统方案 3
设计总论 3
方案设计框图 4
4 硬件电路设计 5
单片机电路部分 5
稳压电源 8