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Zhang Duan-Ming, Sun Hong-Zhang , of analysis of a rice-pile model, Commun. Theor. Phys. (SCI) 2005,43(3)483-486.
Zhang Duan-Ming, Pan Gui-jun , Moment analysis of different stochastic directed sandpile model, Physics Letter A, 2005,337:285-291.
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, , , Mechanisms of Avalanche Dynamics in a Stochastic Four-State Sandpile Model. Chinese Physics Letter. 2003,, ,2125.
Duanming ZHANG, Yajie LEI, Boming YU, Meijun ZHANG,Mingtao HUANG, Zhihua LI, A Fractal Model for The Effective Thermal Conductivity of Granular Flow with Non-uniform munication Theory Physics, 2002,, , February 15。
Zhang Duanming, Zhang Zhi* .,The Fractal Characteristic of Particles in Granular Material Flows and Its Effect on Effective Thermal Conductivity, ., ,(2000):371-378
Zhang Duan-Ming, Pan Gui-jun , Critical behavior in non-abelian deterministic directed sandpile, Physics Letter A ,
Zhang Duan-Ming, Pan Gui-jun , Sandpile on directed small-work, Physics Letter A, 已清样
Zhang Duan-Ming, Sun Hong-Zhang, Anomalous scaling behaviors in a rice-pile model with two different driving mechanisms, Commun. Theor. Phys. (SCI), 2005,已清样.
Zhang Duan-Ming, Sun Hong-Zhang Critical Behaviors in a Stochastic One-Dimensional Sand-Pile model, Commun. Theor. Phys. (SCI) 2005,已清样.
Duanming Zhang, Xiangying Su, Investigation of dynamic behavior in non-uniform granular mun. Theor. Phys. (SCI) 2005 (接受)
Zhang Duan-Ming,Han Xiang-Yun,Zhong Zhicheng, A study of the dielectric propertics of PZTand PT ceramics depending on the lattice dist