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上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/6/19 文件大小:59 KB




改善脑力是一件长期的工作,请大家每天坚持看几条、用几条,逐步让自己变得更聪明。、    另外,这也是提升自己英语水平的绝佳机会-- 大量的实用单词和句子!
    Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential.
Solve puzzles and brainteasers.
Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Write with both hands simultaneously. Switch hands for knife and fork.
注释:simultaneously   ,一起
Embrace ambiguity. Learn to enjoy things like paradoxes and optical illusions.
Learn mind mapping.
Block one or more senses. Eat blindfolded, wear earplugs, shower with your eyes closed.
parative tasting. Learn to properly taste wine, chocolate, beer, cheese or anything else.
Find intersections between seemingly unrelated topics.
Learn to use different keyboard layouts. Try Colemak or Dvorak for a full mind twist!
Find novel uses mon objects. How many different uses can you find for a nail? 10? 100?
Reverse your assumptions.
Learn creativity techniques.
Go beyond the first, ‘right’ answer.
Transpose reality. Ask “What if?” questions.
Turn pictures or the desktop wallpaper upside down.
e a critical thinker. Learn to mon fallacies.
Learn logic. Solve logic puzzles.
Get familiar with the scientific method.
Draw. Doodle. You don’t need to be an artist.
Think p


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