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上传人:资料分享 2018/6/20 文件大小:21 KB




文献出处: Barney Park. The research of live broadcast economic and live broadcast marketing [J]. The Journal of Media Economics, 2017, 3(1):
The research of live broadcast economic and live broadcast marketing
Barney Park
The Inis said in the bias of transmission: the emergence of a new medium will lead to the generation of a new civilization. The generation of live broadcast platform provides the necessary foundation for the rise of live broadcast economy. Now, there are many kinds of live broadcast APP, according to the statistics, there are more than 100 live broadcasts APP, which provides a convenient platform for the live broadcast broadcast. It greatly speeds up the development of economic. The industry have different opinions for the broadcast industry, however, some people think that this is a bubble economy, high heat is only a short period of time. Also somebody thinks highly of the broadcast industry, they think it is the end way out of the content marketing. Live broadcast is a new form of content marketing, now live broadcast has larger
development space, although live broadcast exists sorts of problems in the industry, but live broadcast is currently one of the most popular and effective marketing tool.
Keywords: Network broadcast; Content marketing; Marketing methods
1 Introduction
Live broadcast after continuous economic development, and gradually formed a considerable size of the industry, in this industry every ordinary person can e a producer, their live broadcast production results is presented to the public. The low threshold, high heat got the favor of many brand marketing form, live broadcast has e one of the most popular marketing tool at present. Characteristic of work era "after" is the use of "second screen", traditional media and new media mix of viewing "multiple watch", which as the material carrier of "second screen" - mobile terminal, with the users, in the form of subordinate to TV in this s


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