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上传人:资料分享 2018/6/21 文件大小:22 KB




文档介绍:文献出处:Martens B. The Study on the Cross-border merce of SMEs[J]. Information Economics and Policy, 2017, 1(3): 83-93.
原文 The Study on the Cross-border merce of SMEs
Martens B
merce as the information technology in the information age and bination of mercial trade, has begun to gradually replace the traditional trade way. With the deepening of the reform, opening up and with the world, cross-border merce gradually rises, as an important branch of the e-business. It in promoting domestic import and export, meet the demand of People's Daily life play an irreplaceable role. Existing cross-border modity richness, cross-border pleteness, there has been a very good ascension on further promotion lies in the control of logistics. To the enterprise itself, the standardization of the warehouse management and intelligent, transportation and delivery of efficient and cooperative relations, as well as the purchasing and supply chain are in urgent need to solve the problem of big data management. Cross-border merce storage most belongs to the third party logistics outsourcing logistics. This requires to establish a set of scientific storage warehouse management measures, standardized management and form plete set of simple intelligent operating
system, make all kinds of logistics professional users convenient management inventory, realize the seamless joint between logistics, information flow. Keywords: cross-border merce, small and medium-sized enterprises, standardization management 1 Introduction
Under the trend of economic globalization, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises began the process of internationalization and participate in international trade-In recent years, the international economic environment is not very good, however, a slow economic recovery in the United States, the European economy has not yet get rid of the influence of European debt crisis, the traditional international trade by the obstacles of small and medium-sized enterp


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