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人与自然和谐相处论文 英文1.doc

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人与自然和谐相处论文 英文1.doc

上传人:zbfc1172 2018/6/22 文件大小:20 KB


人与自然和谐相处论文 英文1.doc


Harmony between man and nature

Building a socialist harmonious society, not only to correctly handle the relationships between people, but also to correctly handle the relationship between man and nature, man and nature in harmony.
Harmony between man and nature, is the production, affluent life and sound ecological environment. Development of production is the well-off basis and prerequisite for the development of production, an affluent life is the motivation and goals, sound ecological environment is the development of production and the well-off, and more. Harmony between man and nature, is not to return to the past, people in the face of negative submissive nature, nothing of the state, but to give full play to people's initiative, further emancipate and develop productive forces, while changes in development, minimize natural destruction of, production, affluent life and sound ecological environment of unity.
The rapid development of modern science and technology greatly enhances the human ability to transform and use of natural, but human understanding of nature is still quite limited, and in all areas of natural science there are still many problems need to be explored. Only continue to deepen and expand the understanding of nature, discover and grasp the objective laws to guide practice, in order to correctly handle the relationship between man and nature