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58gis应用案例 58.ppt



文档介绍:GIS in Action
Getting Started With GIS
Chapter 9
9 GIS in Action
Introducing GIS in Action
Case Study 1: GIS Fights the Gypsy Moth
Case Study 2: GIS and Road Accidents in Connecticut
Case Study 3: GIS and the Events of 9/11/01
Case Study 4: Channel Island GIS
Case Study 5: GIS and GPS to Map Sliding Rocks
Understanding GIS by Case Study
Use of GIS is best understood by examining case studies.
Case studies in this chapter cover rural, suburban, urban, and coastal GIS applications.
Rural: Gyspy Moth in Michigan
Suburban: Road Accidents in Connecticut
Urban: Aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks
Coastal: Channel Islands of California
Wildlands: Sliding Rocks in Death Valley
Case Study #1: Use of GIS to Understand Population Dynamics of the Gypsy Moth in Michigan
Contributors: Bryan C. Pijanowski
and Stuart H. Gage, Dept. of Entomology,
Michigan State University.
The Problem
First discovered in the state 40 years ago.
Gypsy moth defoliated 280,000 ha in 1992
Up from 2,800 in 1984.
Insect is spreading across state.
Impacts mostly oak and aspen.
Agriculture, DNR, USDA involved.
The Gypsy Moth
The Spread of the Gypsy Moth
GIS has been used by Michigan State University to monitor the spread of gypsy moth.
The gypsy moth has spread over the state from the north and east, and defoliates trees.
The Monitoring Program
Information from the monitoring program, via a GIS in Arc/Info and IDRISI, is used to direct spraying trees with Bt.
A statewide monitoring program uses milk carton traps in trees dispersed over a spatial grid.
A gypsy moth trap
Locations of Traps for Gypsy moths in Michigan


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