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英语鲁教版 七下Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it Period2(共16张).ppt

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英语鲁教版 七下Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it Period2(共16张).ppt

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英语鲁教版 七下Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it Period2(共16张).ppt


文档介绍:Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? (第二课时)
It is raining, _______?
isn’t it
It’s a nice day, _______?
isn’t it
She sings well, ___________?
doesn’t she
plete the conversation.
A: This is great weather, isn’t it?
B: It sure is. But it’s a little hot for me.
A: Oh, I love hot weather.
B: Which beach are you going to?
A: I’m going to Today Beach.
B: I usually go to Sandy Beach.
A: _____________________
B: No, it’s never crowded. Well, have a good day!
A: __________________
B: Goodbye.
Thanks. Goodbye.
I’m going to the beach today.
Where do you usually go?
Is it very crowded?
含沙的; 多沙的
Two people looking through books in a bookstore.
Two people waiting in line to buy ice cream.
Two people alone in an elevator.
Two people waiting to cross a busy street.
Here are some possible opening questions:
Their prices are really low, aren’t they?
This line is slow, isn’t it?
Nice day, isn’t it?

v. 穿过;横过;越过

adj. 低的
adj. 慢的;缓慢的
Grammar: 反意疑问句
1. It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
2. He is a student, isn’t he?
陈述句+ 简短附加疑问句
You are good at singing, aren’t you?
2. 前否+后肯。
It isn’t a nice day, is it?
1. 前后两部分时态,人称和数必须一致。
It looks like rain, doesn’t it?
He doesn’t need to work so late, does he?
2. 附加疑问句部分的主语常用代词代替。
. Tom had lunch just now, didn’t he?
1. The movie was quite interesting, ______?
A. wasn’t it B. was it
C. didn’t we D. weren’t we
2. You made some mistakes in your exercises ,__?
A. do you B. don’t you
C. did you D. didn’t you
3. Mary can’t join the club, ______?
A. can Mary B. can’t Mary
C. can’t she D. can she
4. Let’s listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, ______?
A. do we B. don’t we C. shall we D. will you


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