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In some parts of the world there are large deserts. There are no trees __1__ water there. Travelers must take __2__ and water with them. The only animal who can walk __3__ the desert is the camel. He can go __4__ food and water for a long time, and he can carry heavy loads (担子). People call the __5__ “the ship of the desert”.
The camel is very big. He had one or two humps (驼峰) on his back, short ears and a long __6__. The camel’s humps hold fat, and his stomach hold water in twelve deep pockets. Each pocket __7__ a closed mouth and the food does not move with the water. When the camel __8__ some water, he can get it out of the __9__. The camel’s food is __10__.
( ) 1. A. and no B. any C. and D. no
( ) 2. A. grass B. food C. meat D. drink
( ) 3. A. out of B. into C. in D. through
( ) 4. A. with B. to C. without D. into
( ) 5. A. horse B. elephant C. cow D. camel
( ) 6. A. nose B. leg C. neck D. mouth
( ) 7. A. has B. there is C. have D. having
( ) 8. A. is wanting B. wanted C. was wanting D. wants
( ) 9. A. hands B. pockets C. mouth D. nose
( ) 10. A. meat B. bread C. cakes D. grass and leaves of trees.
1.       我们必须学会怎样把问题改变成挑战.
We must learn these problems challenges.
2.       在老师的帮助下,尽力处理教育中的每一个挑战是我们的职责.
It is our to try our best to each challenge in our education with the of the teachers.
3.       你过去很矮,是吗?
You short, you?