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文档介绍:The Snow White
Section one
----Music 旁白(voiceover):
Long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Unluckily, the queen was dead soon after Snow White was born. And the king married another queen. The stepmother didn’t like snow white very much. She made Snow White do all kinds of housework all day and all night.
-----Snow White ing, sweeping and cleaning)
白雪:My name is Snow White, I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, and where is my mother? Where is my mother?
----music, the queen ing
皇后:I’m the new queen. I’m very beautiful. You see. If there is someone more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, it will tell me. Now, mirror, mirror, come here!
魔镜:Yes, I’ing. What do you want to know?
皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the most beautiful?
魔镜:You are beautiful, I think. But there is a young lady. Her skin is as white as snow, her lips are as red as roses. She is much more beautiful than you.
皇后:She is much more beautiful than me? Who is she? Tell me quickly. (The queen was so angry that almost got nutty as a fruit cake.)
魔镜:Yes. She is Snow White.
皇后:Snow White? No, I’m the most beautiful in the world. Oh, hunter, come here, come here!
旁白:The queen is very beautiful. However, she is still looking for greener pastures.
猎人:Yes. I`m here now.
皇后:Hunter! Take Sno