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文档介绍:Control of Respiration
Breathing is a critical robust homeostatic process that ensures adequate levels of oxygen in blood and provides a means to remove carbon dioxide from the body
Basic Requirements for Respiratory Regulation
It must be automatic
Maintenance of CO2 and O2 levels should not depend on levels of consciousness or alertness
It must be adaptable to the needs of anism
There must be mechanisms pensate for changes in oxygen uptake or CO2 production.
It must be subject to voluntary control
There must be mechanisms to voluntarily override the respiratory control mechanisms at least for brief periods of time
Respiratory Centers and the Basic Respiratory Center
Respiratory center
Brain regions or the spinal cord that involve in the generation of rhythmic respiratory pattern and the regulation of respiratory movement; they are located in the spinal cord, brainstem, cortex, thalamus etc.
Basic respiratory center
Brain parts that are responsible for generation of basic respiration patterns
It is located in the brainstem
The Experiment Done by Lumsden in the Cat
Upper pons-pneumotaxic center; lower pons-apneustic center (not accepted); Spinal cord-Basic respiratory center; spinal cord:
Cut at
Breathing pattern (vagus nerve intact)
Breathing pattern (vagus nerve cut off)
Midbrain and the pons
Nearly normal
Deep and slow
Mid pons
Nearly normal
Apneustic breathing
Pons and medulla
Cheyne-Stokes breathing
Medulla and the spinal cord
No breathing
No breathing
Respiratory-Related Neurons in the Basic Respiratory Center
Dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
Located in the dorsal region of the nucleus tractus solitarii
Mainly contain inspiratory neurons
Generate basic rhythm
Ventral respiratory group (VRG)
A column of cells in the general region of the nucleus ambiguus.
It houses both inspiratory and expiratory neurons
Most neurons are silent during normal quiet respiration
Pneumotatic center


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