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上传人:zbfc1172 2018/6/25 文件大小:61 KB




A: 欢迎来到上海,罗伯茨先生。我是上海邮电服务发展公司的海外部主任陈天敏。
(e to Shanghai, Mr. Roberts. I’m Chen Tianmin, from Shanghai Post and munications Service pany. I’m director of pany’s Oversea Department.)
B: Nice to meet you, Director Chen. I’m very excited to visit pany and of course, to our around Shanghai and the whole country.
(很高兴见到您,陈主任。能访问贵公司我很兴奋,当然啰, 我还有机会再看看上海和整个中国,真令人兴奋。)
A: 您专程从英国赶来,我很高兴。我们为您来此参加工作,成为我部门的一员而感到骄傲和荣幸。我真诚地希望您的来访有价值有意义。
(I’m very happy that you e all the way from Britain. We are very proud and honored that you will work with us, and be part of our department. I sincerely hope that your visit will be worthwhile and meaningful.)
B: It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of people like Director Chen. I had been looking forward to this visit for years. I had a dream that someday I would visit China and work in the beautiful city of
Shanghai for a while. I’m very grateful that you have made my e true.
(受到贵公司的友好邀请,来此与陈主任这样杰出的人士合作公事,我深感愉快和荣幸。我曾梦想有朝一日能访问中国, 能在美丽的上海工作一段时间。我很高兴您使我的梦想成真了。)
A: 我真高兴您对这次来沪短期工作有如此高的期望。我们会尽力使您在沪期间过得舒适愉快。考虑到您的方便和舒适,您可以居住在公司的外宾专用别墅。别墅紧挨着海滩,从那里骑自行车15分钟可到我公司海外部的办公楼。您一定喜欢。
(I’m very glad that you have so high expectations in this business trip in Shanghai. We will make an all-out effort to make your fortable and pleasant. For your convenience fort, we modate you in one of pany’s villas for overseas visitors. It is located by the beach, fifteen minutes’ bicycle ride from the office building of the Overseas Department. I’m sure you will like it.)
B: That’s wonderful. Isn’t it nice that not only your “Overseas Department” looks “over the sea”, but also my residence?
A: 罗伯茨先生,我真的很喜欢您的幽默感。您可知道“上海”这两个字在汉语里的字面意思是“海上之埠”?我们为能够安排英国朋友在临海的寓所下榻
(I really like your sense of humor, Mr. Roberts. Do you know that the word “Shanghai” in Chinese means literally “a port on the sea”? We’re very proud that we can off