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上传人:wz_198613 2018/6/25 文件大小:15.87 MB





文档介绍:论文 摘要
关键词:《洛阳伽蓝记》, 洛阳, 设计文化, 佛教
tA Record of Buddhist Monasteries in Luo Yang’is about all the architectures of temples in
Luoyang during Northern Wei posed by Xuanzhi Yang literature describes the prosperity in the later period of Northern Wei Dynasty,including the politics,economics,culture and SO on,which contributes significantly to urban design at the
time. Many scholars have been highlighting the research of its content. My essay IS
expected to discuss the culture of Northern Wei’S urban design with detailed facts and the
record in the book.
Northem Wei Dynasty stands for the important turning period in Chinese ancient inner Mongolian group dominated the northern part of China for more than 1 00 years, which brought magnificent influence to that area in the aspects of politics,economics,culture and period formed one unique design culture when merging previous central Chinese culture and nomadic culture as well as exotic culture,which stands for an important
place in the history.
My essay is expected to analyze the culture and features of Luoyang’S urban design and civic art in Northern Wei Dynasty through studying the record of urban planning,housing and temple construction,gardening and any other related information with detailed facts and
archaeological data.
KEY WORD:‘A Record of