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基于ieee 1394b交叉通道数据链路fpga的验证based on the ieee 1394 b cross channel data link the fpga verification.docx

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基于ieee 1394b交叉通道数据链路fpga的验证based on the ieee 1394 b cross channel data link the fpga verification.docx

上传人:wz_198613 2018/6/25 文件大小:561 KB


基于ieee 1394b交叉通道数据链路fpga的验证based on the ieee 1394 b cross channel data link the fpga verification.docx



交叉通道数据链路(Cross Channel Data DL)是余度计算机之间进行数据交换的重要途径, 是保证飞行控制系统正常运转的关键部件。采用 IEEE1394b 串行总线传输协议,保证了信息传输的可靠性。采用 FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)来实现余度计算机间交叉通道数据链的传输设计,其传输速度快且可靠性高。为了检验系统发生故障时余度计算机间性能降级的动态过程和交叉通道数据链路能正常工作,本文对设计的交叉通道数据链路构建可靠性模型,对其功能进行检验。
本文分析了 IEEE1394 协议(包括 IEEE1394b),重点介绍了交叉通道数据链路涉及 IEEE1394b 协议的相关知识。分析了虚拟仿真验证技术和 FPGA 原型验证技术,并从两种验证方法入手分别搭建了验证环境,最终完成了对该交叉通道数据链路 FPGA 的充分完备验证,具体完成工作包括以下几个方面:
1) 分析并研究 IEEE1394 协议,DL 的验证工作;
2) DL FPGA 的体系结构、功能进行了介绍;
3) 对虚拟仿真验证和 FPGA 原型验证技术进行了研究,分别从其概念、技术优势、局限性三个方面进行了详细的分析。并结合以上分析确定采用虚拟仿真验证和 FPGA DL FPGA 的充分完备验证。根据其各自的验证原理分别搭建虚拟仿真验证平台和 FPGA 原型验证平台,开发相应测试环境和测试用例,DL 进行虚拟仿真和 FPGA 原型验证,最终实现了在虚拟仿真和 FPGA 原型验证平台下 DL 的协议符合性验证、功能验证、性能验证和系统级验证等。
通过虚拟仿真验证和 FPGA 原型验证方法的结合,DL 得到了充分完备的验证,验证结果表明该链路系统符合设计要求,能够提高电传飞行控制系统的安全性和可靠性,且各项功能稳定、可靠,具有良好的实时性和工程实用性等特点。
关键词:IEEE1394b 交叉通道数据链路 FPGA
Cross-Channel Data Link (CCDL) is an important way to conduct the data exchange between the redundancy flight puter system, it is also a ponent to ensure the normal operation of the flight control system. To use IEEE1394b serial bus transmission protocol is ensured the reliability of information transmission. Using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to realize the design DL , because the FPGA has fast transmission speed and high reliability. In order to test the dynamic process DL and to ensure DL can work properly when the system failure lead to performance degradation, the paper build a reliable model to test the function DL.
This paper describes the basic content of the IEEE1394 protocol (including IEEE1394b) firstly, focusing on the required knowledge of IEEE1394b protocol when verification. Analysis the virtual simulation and FPGA prototype verification technology and build verification environment to start from the two methods of verification, and the pletion of DL is plete verification, specific to pletion of the work include the following aspects:
Analysis and research IEEE1394 protocol and to expand the validation of DL based on the IEEE1394 proto