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文档介绍:进行统计分析,结果表明CUBA女子运动员多血质型(性格外向, 情绪稳定)的占多数。在与CBA青年队女子运动员进行个性特征比较发现,CUBA女子运动员胆汁质型(兴奋型)个性特征的人数所占比例明显低于CBA青年队女子运动员,这也就反映了两者在比赛的对抗性和积极性方面存在差异的关键所在。对影响女子运动员个性心理特征的相关因素进行分析,结果表明影响其因素有多个方面,其中包括运动员成长经历、父母受教育程度、家庭经济状况、地域差异、运动员场上不同位置以及教练等等。
关键词: CUBA 个性 女子运动员 心理特征

Competitive sports are rapidly developing at present. Competitive sports more request excellent athlete’S aspect abilities,especially mental (China University
Basketbal l Associat ion)fol lowing CBA i s an important and essful game in CUBA athlete is a tower of strength in universities basketball athletics of the one hand,the CUBA female athlete’S age and 1ife—style like as col lege student,on the other hand they have athlete’S
experience and they are different from other professional athletes on personality mental characteristics. As for sports psychology,training,Management,admini stration psychology and the behavior science,every athlete’S mental characteristics of individual will have effect on achievement of entire the same time,it is important to shape the athlete’S mental characteristics of individual for
progressive college student’S athlete is short of less confidence,fighting spirit,passion and faith wi th ess in games than male paper mainly study mental characteristics of individual of CUBA femaIe athlete and
relevance reason about forming the mental characteri st ics.
Besides the study mainly research the first sixth female team in the one hand,the study is beneficial for coach to select and cultivate new player,on the other hand it also beneficial for parents and coach to paying attention to mental characteristics of individual in the middle of training from chi ldhood.
This study uses mathematical parative analysis,documentation act, questionnaire survey research method,application of“Eysenck Personality Questionnaire”

affecting women basketball player personality
characteristics of t