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文档介绍:重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要
In this dissertation,extensive researches on the electrical and field emission properties of llano·carbon films prepared by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD、.
On the base ofintroduction,抽which the discovery,physical properties and using will be outlined,the growth mechanism of diamond,which prepared by hot filament
chemical vapor deposition was factors,which may affect the production of diamond films,have been discussed,such aS SOUrCe of carbon in gas,substrate in
solid and active hydrogen molecules and density of nucleation and growth rate haS been talculated by thermodynamic and statistical theory,and critical nucleation size and nucleation rate were experimental equipment that
prepared films by hot filament chemical vapor deposition haS been puter simulation,radiant field and temperature field was
theoretically distribution oftemperature on the substrate was also been hot filament aiTay’seasonal distribution and uniformity oftemperature have
been was calculated by Boltzmann equation,including island and continuum Schottky emission model haS pared with tunneI emission model by the calculafion of the conductance of
non—continuum sample prepared by CVD was analysed by scanning electron
microscopy(SEMl and X—ray resistance of graphite carbon films were measured and drawn the curves which are the changes in resistance with substrate temperature and methane concentration in H2 n潆experimental results showed that the films resistance was decreased with the increasing methane other increased with the increasing field emission properties were
studied,and the WOrk function,actual emission area and density of emission spot were
measurements at different areas showed good field emission characteristics and


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