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文档介绍:Stephen William Hawking 霍金
Author of the best-selling book A Brief History of Time, physicist Stephen Hawking has strived to make difficult concepts in physics more accessible to the public. His discoveries about gravitation are regarded as some of the most important contributions to that area of physics since Albert Einstein introduced the general theory of relativity in 1915.
Stephen William Hawking1
whose main field of research has been the nature of space and time, including irregularities in space and time known as singularities. Hawking has also devoted much of his life to making his theories accessible to the public through lectures, books, and films.
Hawking, Stephen William (1942- ), British theoretical physicist and mathematician Hawking, Stephen William (1942- ), British theoretical physicist and mathematician whose main field of research has been the nature of space and time, including irregularities in space and time known as singularities. Hawking has also devoted much of his life to making his theories accessible to the public through lectures, books, and films.
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Hawking was born in Oxford, England, and he showed exceptional talent in mathematics and physics from an early age. He entered Oxford University in 1958 and became especially interested in thermodynamics (the study of the interaction of matter and energy), relativity theory, and quantum mechanics (see Quantum Theory). In 1961 he attended a summer course at the Royal Observatory that encouraged these interests. pleted his undergraduate courses in 1962 and received a bachelor’s degree in physics. Hawking then enrolled as a research student in general relativity at the department of applied mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge.
Stephen William Hawking3
Hawking earned his . degree from Trinity College at the University of Cambridge in 1966. He stayed at the University of Cambridge, doing post-doctoral research, until he became a pro