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=苎!篡I.· 一I 一I—I
Precise kinematic GPS positioning iS one of the hotspots in current geodetic applications and has prehensive application involves many theoretical problems,such as stochastic models of measurements,quality control,unknown parameter’S estimators and
techniques of’ambiguity core problem of precise kinematic GPS positioning is how to fix ambiguity,and the precise ambiguity floats and their covariance matrix are necessary for ambiguity exact stochastic model can receive a more exactly ambiguity float and the corresponding matrix,and the efficiency and ess rate of ambiguity resolution are also ,researching this
problem not only has a scientific significance,but also has a great
commercj a】va]ue.
The text analyses GPS observation model,the kinds of 1 bination of observation,the characteristic of kinds of errors fountain and the adopt i ng measures in the observat ion,and processes the thorough research on BEI州ESE GPS Software Ms-Windows adopts non—di fferential way and double—di fferential way,the positioning precision of the single point is decimeter within -:If the ambiguity right and without week skip,the observation datum of a epoch——by—。epoch can make the short basel ine(1ess than 20km)positioning precision reach centimeter ,we use this software to dispose the GPS observation data in the part of experiment。and use the correlat ive program to translate the result fi les,
then extract the useful datas from the fi le by program whi pi led
in of these work are provide for studying of stochastic model.
By analyzing the main characteristics of the stochastic models used currently in an experiment,it can be seen that though the ess rate of ambiguity resolution is relatively lower than others,as the stochastic model of equal—variance does not need any prior parameters,
it is still used in some precise kinematic


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