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文档介绍:第 5卷第 5期
Vol. 5
2009年 10月
Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering
Oct. 2009
*** 1号线车辆转向架寿命预测数值分析
金国龙 1 ,谢雄耀 1 ,王如路 2
(1. 同济大学地下建筑与工程系岩土工程重点实验室,上海 200092;
2. ***运营有限公司,上海 200003)
摘要:*** 1号线自 1992年运营至今,在列车检修作业中多次发现列车动车转向架构架出现裂纹,远远达不到 1号线车辆技术规格书中 30年使用寿命的要求。针对地铁转向架结构特点和受力特点,对地铁转向架进行了三维有限元计算,并且利用名义应力疲劳设计法对电机吊座应力集中部位进行了分析,得到反映结构疲劳强度性能的 S - N 曲线,进行了寿命预测。计算结果表明:转向架构架产生的裂纹主要是由于疲劳强度不足产生的疲劳裂纹,垂向振动和横向振动是引起裂纹的主要因素。由于横向振动出现的频率远高于垂向加速度,其损伤量甚至大于垂向振动损伤量。
关键词: 地铁转向架;有限元分析;寿命预测
中图分类号: TD122 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673 - 0836 (2009) 05 - 0860 - 07
L ifetim e Pred iction of the Bog ie Fram e of Shangha iM etro L ine 1 by 3D FEM
J IN Guo2long1 , X I E X iong2yao1 , WANG Ru2lu2
( 1. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering, D epartm ent of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092;
2. Shanghai M etro O peration Co. , L td, Shanghai 200003)
Abstract: Multip le cracks were found in the vehicle bogies of Shanghai metro line 1, which began its operation in 1992, so that the life of the vehicle bogies is much less than 30 years p rom ised by the technical specification. This paper sim ulated the stress of vehicle bogie by 3D FEM to p resent the distribution of every stress concentration point. The Goodm an fatigue diagram was drawn based on the stress concentration points and the life of the mo to r bracket of the bogie was p redicted by the revised M iner theory. This paper concluded that the bogie cracks of Shanghai metro
line 1 are contributed by the overburden fatigue load, and ignoring the lateral vibration load in the design of the vehi2
cle bogie is the important cause fo r that the bogie cracks occurred far earlier than the designed life tim e. pu2 ted frequency from the lateral vibration is much higher than that from the vertical vibration so the dam age by the later2 al vibration to the vehicle is more than by the vertical vibration.
Keywords: metro bogie; FEM; lifetime p rediction
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