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Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Rural Tourism Development of Hebei Province
Student:Liu Sai
Major:Management of agricultural economy Tutor:Professor Liang Shan
In recent years,with the continuous development of China’S economy,the deterioral[ion of urban environment。rural tourism alSO received more with the natural scenery of the rural tourism has been an unprecedented development. Although the relative to Europe and the United States and other development earlier
pared,our country rural tourism industry started relatively development speed in the last century at the end of the”Golden Week” after the tourism development continued in a heating state. governments at all levels have also issued relevant policies to support the development of rural tourism,for example,in 2008,five one statutory holidays from 7 days to 3 days,but the increase in Qingming Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,the Mid Autumn Festival three small long also provide favorable conditions for the development of rural State Council issued”several opinions on promoting the reforlTl and development of tourism(Guo Fa 2014 emphasizes the development of relying on location of resources and market demand of rural 20 1 5,the Hebei Provincial People’S Government Ofjfice issued”on the implementation of opinions”to further promote tourism and investment the consumption of the rural tourism development and the construction of the beautiful alleviation and development,historical and cultural towns and villages bined with the development,in 20 1 6,Baoding will hold the first meeting of the province’S tourism industry on the development of”Lai Yi Lai tourism”,has greatly promoted the development of rural tourism,rural tourism is ing more and more perfect policy supp