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7 Habits 录音文本.doc

上传人:xunlai783 2018/6/27 文件大小:74 KB


7 Habits 录音文本.doc



This is a life changing program. Teach them to other people and learn them, well, and then apply to leave them until it es part of your nature. It will change your life in a very fundamental way, for good.
(In this tape you’ll hear Dr. Covey at one of his. First he explained the basic ideas on which the 7 habits of highly effective people built. You make you are wearing of your paradigm. The subject ways you see and understand the world and he he’ll show you that many need to make s paradigm shift to a new way of thinking basined on nature the human happiness and effectiveness. Then Dr. Covey will explain the 7 habits with clear examples and personal through this type that automatically, what you are, your character, values, communicate more that what you see or do, and you will learn particific techniques to help you to work the 7 habits of highly effective people. So basically they don’t just apply to individuals like you, they also apply to marriages, families, businesses. In fact to private and anizations of every kind. But before we get into the habit themselves, it’s important for you to know that this is not a quick program. It’s not based on some technique and some instance revolution. To acquire the 7 habits, to them, you have to be willing to do three things with the information in this tape. Learn it, teach it and then do it-which means apply it-to your life.)
Work very diligently to understand, learn is another word. Work with your mind to think deeply in ways, about this mentioned two; teach it to other people, shortly after you learn this. But shortly I mean within 24-48 hours. It simply will learn better when you teach. All of us have had that experience, because your whole sense of responsibility is scientifically increased. You know that you expect to teach someone else in another group the same material that you are learning. It is also will give you a sense mitment to the material, simply because you are making a statement when