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研究生英语 写作.ppt

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研究生英语 写作.ppt

上传人:文库旗舰店 2018/6/28 文件大小:72 KB


研究生英语 写作.ppt


文档介绍:Why would I write a letter of thanks?
In many fields, this is a polite follow-up. It's not expected, but it may be noted.
When would I write a follow-up letter of thanks?
After an interview, professional visit, or other job-search interaction
Also, after any professional interaction which seems appropriate (promotion, project, special help, etc.)
What makes a good professional thank-you letter?
When the audience
understands your gratitude
feels like you took the time to attend to only it
Therefore, a little detail and special attention go a long way.
What makes a bad professional thank-you letter?
When the audience
isn't sure why you are writing
feels like it received a form letter
Therefore, be clear and attentive to your audience.
Outline Use audience/purpose appropriate tone and style. Use formal letter format; include all information. Introduction: State news (thanks). Make it short. Body: State what you enjoyed or appreciated.
Add two-three audience-specific details. Wrap up with the overall reason you benefited.
Conclusion: Remind the audience of how to get in touch with you.
Tell the audience you look forward to future interaction. Request action (if necessary).
Sample body from a thank-you letter

Dear Principal Hill: Thank you for the time you took showing me around Westwood High School. I enjoyed my tour and appreciate your trouble and attention. During my visit, I was especially impressed with Westwood'puter lab. It's obvious that you place great emphasis on the importance of technology in the lives of your graduates. I also like the wide variety of math classes that you offer, everything from Math Fundamentals to Calculus II. You impressed upon me the vital importance of giving future scientists and engineers a strong pre-university preparation. Westwood High Scholl is just the type of student-centered program that I am eager to work for! I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding the algebra/geometry opening.