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上传人:2623466021 2018/6/29 文件大小:956 KB




文档介绍:Argument 提纲
It would be reasonable to expect for higher profit by building health-related stories in areas where leading healthy lives are better concerned, but it is absurd to claim that building such a store in plainsville will certainly be satisfactorily rewarded if the arguer failed to see the below facts;
First of all, we can get the conclusion that residents of Plainsvilly do pay good attention to healthy lives, but their concernings are mainly focused on healthy trainings and relevant items, while Nature’Way, on the other hand, seems to emphasize on healthy ing will not be so satisfactory as anticipatedif Nature’s Way failed to se to this difference either by adapting the items of their store there or by advertizing and then persuading people into buying their healthy food.
What’s more, the memo has obviously ignored the presence of other healthy-related stores in Plansvilly. Since the stores there have alreadly get a good reward on healthy-related retailing, it might not be so easy for a newbie to invade and e the conqueror if we take into account the natural of healthy-related products that people will not be easily enticed into trying a new brand of food or product while they have already found somewhat fit them well.
Last but not least, no one can assure this trend of “hot buying”will last forever. People may enter a more rational state in choosing sporting or food for their wellbeings while more and more retailers enter into petion for limited market.
For the reasons given above, I strongly mend the director of the Nature’ Way taking a more overall consideration of the market’s foreseeings and making enough analysis and planning, which will lead to a more stable possible of profit.
1. the residents who are concerned their health will no certainly purchase health-related products, because most of the people just enjoy the free exercise such as running.
2. even if many people want to purchase health-related