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公司管理专业毕业论文 ---人力资源管理.doc

上传人:zxwziyou8 2018/7/2 文件大小:346 KB


公司管理专业毕业论文 ---人力资源管理.doc



The human resources management is the enterprise develops the power fountainhead, is the enterprise sustainable development basic guarantee. In the increasingly petition of society, the talent is in short supply in the society, the enterprise wants to survive, must be strict in human resource links and level, make human resource management really help enterprise growth. Human is the most active element in productivity, petition and training, in all walks of life is the primary task. In recent years, many enterprises have to the human resources development and management to a strategic height, because the culture of enterprises belonging to their own, with business characteristics of the special talents, will determine to a large extent the life of an enterprise and development. Human resource management strategy decision-making process requirements of the existing functions of human resource management have a clear grasp. This article through quantitative research, qualitative analysis method of Guangdong side straight pany personnel performance, incentive mechanism, human resource management etc undertook investigating an analysis, think in personnel training, human resource management, product positioning and orientation inadequacies, strategic management not to fulfil basic level, should solve this problem, must strengthen the management of enterprises, the importance of enterprise strategic planning, enterprise culture construction, reasonable use existing resource, effective strategy leverage.
Key words: human resource management,


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