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文档介绍:Chinese society and Culture
1. Wisdom and Beliefs
Confucian Thought on Heaven and Humanity
Laozi’s Philosophy of Non-action
Sunzi’s Art of War: Source for All Books on War
The Temple of Heaven: Reverence(虔敬) with Awe and Gratitude
Eco-awareness in Traditional Chinese culture
2. Creativity and Exchange
Chinese Characters: Poetic Symbols(诗意符号)
The Silk Road
Openness of the Great Tang
ZhengHe’s Voyages to the Western Seas
The Great Wall
The Forbidden City: Glorious and Awe-inspiring(令人起敬畏心的)
3. Art and Aesthetics(美学)
Music: Govern(管理) the Country, Nourish(滋养) the Mind
Spiritual Essence(实质) in Bronzeware(青铜制品)
A Silent Army
The Eternal(永久的) Smile of the Buddha(佛像)
Flying Strokes(笔) of Calligraphy(书法)
The Charm(魅力) of Ink and Wash(水墨画)
Porcelain(瓷器)-Calling Card of Chinese Culture
Gardens South of the Yangtze River
Peking Opera(京剧): Artistry of Performers
A Variety of Splendid Folk Arts(民间艺术)
4. Folk Customs(民间风俗)
Urban Customs in A Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival(清明上河图)
Customs and Charms of Old Beijing
Modern Glamour(魅力) of Old Shanghai
Traditional Costumes(服饰)
Culinary(烹饪) Delights in China
Life With Fragrant(香)Tea
Civil Residences in Deep Alleys(胡同)
Martial Arts(武术) and Cuju(蹴鞠)
and Beliefs
Q: Human beings have only one home under Heavens. How should we arrange our domestic lives and live together in harmony?
1. Chinese culture regards human life as part of nature, and the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony(和谐) with nature. Note1:
2. Chinese culture emphasises on harmonious human relationships.
3. Chinese stresses self-reflection.