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Temporal Series Analysis Approach to Spectra works

Huijie Yang , Fangcui Zhao, Longyu Qi, Beilai Hu
School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China

The spacing of nearest levels of the spectrum of work can be regarded as a time
series. Joint use of Multi-fractal Detrended Fluctuation Approach (MF-DFA) and Diffusion
Entropy (DE) is employed to extract characteristics from this time series. For the WS (Watts and
Strogatz) small-world model, there exist a critical point at rewiring probability pr . For a
network generated in the range 0 pr , the correlation exponent is in the range of
~ . Above this critical point, all works behave similar with that at pr 1. For
the ER model, the time series behaves like FBM (fractional Brownian motion) noise at
pER 1/ N . For the GRN (growing work) model, the values of the long-range
correlation exponent are in the range of ~ . For most of the works the PDF of
a constructed time series obeys a Gaussian form. In the joint use of MF-DFA and DE, the shuffling
procedure in DE is essential to obtain a reliable result.
PACS number(s): .-k , .-a, .-x

♣ Corresponding author, E-mail address: huijieyangn@
Detailed investigations indicate that real-works have highly distinctive statistical
signatures very far from work [1]. Two classes of models, called the small-world
graphs and the scale-works, are proposed to capture the clustering and the power-law
degree distribution present in many works, respectively [2-5]. However, most analyses
have been confined to capture the static structural properties, ., degree distribution, shortest
connecting paths, clustering coefficient


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