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文档介绍:- A -
A See Point A (subspinale).
AAO See American Association of Orthodontists.
AAOF See American Association of Orthodontists Foundation.
AAOIC See American Association of Orthodontists pany.
AAOSI See American Association of Orthodontists Services, Inc.
ABO See American Board of Orthodontics.
acromegaly A disease caused by increased activity of the anterior pituitary and characterized in part by a marked lengthening of the mandible.
acrylic Methyl methacrylate, anic monly used for the construction of dental appliances, including orthodontic treatment and retention appliances.
activation The process of deforming an appliance part from its passive state (., the stretching of an elastic) pleting its engagement to produce a force system transmitted by the appliance to the dentition.
activation site The intraoral location of the activating process, often where the orthodontic force system is to be transmitted to the dentition.
activator A removable growth guidance orthodontic appliance, originally developed by Pierre Robin, Viggo Andresen and Karl Haupl, with later modifications by Schwarz, Bimler, Balters, Franker, Fleischer, Peters, etc. Also called a functional appliance.
Adams clasp A circumferential retention clasp (see crib) designed by C. Philip Adams to stabilize removable appliances by means of point contact with the mesio- and disto-al undercuts of individual al teeth.
adolescent dentition See dentition.
adult dentition See dentition.
alveolar bone The bone that surrounds and supports the roots of the teeth.
alveolar process The unshaped ridge of maxillary or mandibular alveolar bone that surrounds and supports the roots of the teeth.
American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) The AAO is a professional association of educationally qualified orthodontic specialists dedicated to advancing the art and science of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, improving the health of the public by promoting quality orthodontic care, and s


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