在现代文明社会里,随着社会经济的发展和收入水平的提高,住房在人们生活中占有越来越重要的地位,在数量和质量上呈现不同的层次,除高收入和中等收入家庭有能力依靠自身的力量解决住房问题以外,大部分低收入和最低收入家庭必须借助政府的帮助,去解决住房问题或改善其居住条件。纵观世界, 无论发达国家还是发展中国家,住房问题都是一项关乎民生的社会问题,而不仅仅是经济问题,政府必须承担起国民的住房保障功能。作为内陆城市,太原市的住房福利如何与经济水平相适应,这关系到住房保障制度、住房政策目标的选择,也关系到政策的可行性,因此对其研究具有重要的现实意义。
【关键词】住房保障 经济适用房 廉租住房住房公积金
In a modern civilized society, with social and economic development and the increase of e, people living in the shelter plays an increasingly position in the quantity and quality has different levels. high-e and middle-e households have the ability to solve the housing problem by relying on its own strength, while most low-and minimum-e families will have to rely on the government’s help to solve the housing problem or to improve their living conditions. Whether in the developed or developing contries, housing is not only an economic issue but also a social problem concerning about the people’s livelihood. It is precisely for this reason that the government must take up the housing support functions. As a underdeveloped city, housing benefit of Taiyuan how to adapt to the level of economic development, this will have to do with housing policy, and whether it is viable or not, it is a real issue.
In the boldface of this paper, the basic theory of housing security is
related, and lead out the all-round thinking for the problem of housing security of the gradually deepened housing reform, Taiyuan has preliminary formed supply model mainly with the housing security system based on the economically affordable housing,low rent housing, the housing accumulation fund system and helped with price-mercial housing. Compared with t