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《current state of the horizontal directional drilling 》PPT课件.ppt

上传人:luyinyzha 2018/7/17 文件大小:6.47 MB


《current state of the horizontal directional drilling 》PPT课件.ppt


文档介绍:HDD Market in China
Current State of the Horizontal Directional Drilling Market: China and the United States
Dr. Samuel T. Ariaratnam
Arizona State University, USA
Chengdu, China  October 22-24, 2015
ICPTT 2015
e to Sichuan Province
1. 13th Annual China HDD Survey
2. China HDD Market Analysis
3. 17th Annual . HDD Survey
Inventor of HDD
Martin Cherrington
Part 1 13th Annual China HDD Survey
2045 New HDD Machines (2014)
Sales for all HDD manufacturers decreased in the past year because of the low national economic growth.
Based on the 13th Annual HDD survey, there were a total of 2045 new HDD machines from 18 manufacturers that entered into the market. This is -% compared with 2013 (2573).
Size Range of HDD Machines
Large machines (over 500 kN pullback): decreased from 276 (%) in 2013 to 179 (%) including 50 Maxi machines (over 1000 kN pullback).
Midi machines (250 to 500 pullback): pared with 1256 in 2013, but its market proportion increased from % in 2013 to % in 2014.
Mini machines (under 250 kN pullback): reduced greatly from 1041 (%) in 2013 to 650 (%).
Market Percent of HDD Machines (2014)