(中山医科大学附属孙逸仙纪念医院耳鼻喉科;广州, 510120)
中图号 R
Surgical Treatment of Traumatic Facial Paralysis
Xu Yaodong Zheng Yiqing LongHua Chen Jiezhu
(Department of ENT, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou,510120)
Abstract Objective:To investigate proper treatment for traumatic facial :12 cases of traumatic facial paralysis undergone surgical treatment. 3 cases showed injuries to the labyrinthine segment of nerve and geniculate ganglion, 6 cases to tympanic segment, 4 cases to mastoid segment and 1 case to intracranial segment. Among these cases trans-mastoid /attic approachwas used in 10 patients and trans-mastoid /middle cranial fossa approach in 2 cases. Results:All cases have been followed up 6 months to 3 years. Copmlete recovery appeared in 7 of the cases and partial recovery in 5 cases (gradeⅡin 2, gradeⅢin 2, grade IV in 1).Conclusions:Traumatic facial paralysis should be treated surgically in -mastoid /attic approach can expose geniculate ganglion and distal part of the labyrinthine segment of