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It is wise to know others.
Lao Zi
To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.
Jose Ortega Grasset
The most immutable barrier in nature is between one man's thought and another's.
William James
Warm up
It is a story about a Chinese mother, Mrs Zhang and her American daughter-in-law, Susan. At the airport, Susan and her husband, Mrs. Zhang's son, would fly back to New York and she was talking to her mother-in-law. Since Mrs. Zhang dos not know English and Susan can speak little Chinese, Susan’s huaband had to act as the interpreter.
Susan: Mrs. Zhang, come to New York if you want.
Husband: (译)
Mother: 不去了,给你们添麻烦。
Husband: (译)
Susan: Yes, oh thanks for your delicious food, I like them very much.
Husband: (译)
Husband: (译)
Susan: Thank you! The same to You.
Husband: (译)
1. 妈妈,您可一定要来纽约看看。
2. Oh, it depends on the physical condition.
3. 谢谢妈妈为我们做了那么多好吃的。
4. It is my pleasure. Susan, I hope you e even more beautiful.
5. 谢谢妈妈,我祝你健康。
Intercultural Understanding
Break down stereotypes and barriers
Promote understanding – contact with real people
Promote tolerance
Promote appreciation
Understanding Prejudice and Racism
Ethnocentrism leads people to believe that their own “ways” are good and “natural”.
Prejudice implies a lack of thought or care in making a judgment about others.
While racial and ethnic prejudice can be expressed both positively and negatively, in the United States it is most often negative.
(c) 2006 The McGraw-panies, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Cushner/McClelland/Safford, Human Diversity in Education, 5/e
First, ethnocentric beliefs about one’s own culture shape a social sense of identity which is narrow and defensive. Second, ethnocentrism normally involves the perception of members of other cultures in terms of stereotypes. Third, the dynamic of ethnocentrism is such parative judgements are made between one's own culture and other cultures under the ass
