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上传人:yixingmaob 2018/7/24 文件大小:434 KB





: Did you watch the 7 o* clock program on channel 2 yesterday evening? I was about to watch it when someone came to see me. M: Yeah! It reported some major breakthrough in cancer research. People over 40 would find a program worth watching.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the TV program?
: I won a first prize in the National Writing Contest and I got this camera as an awards I
M: It' s a good camera! You can take it when you travel. I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
: I wish I hadn' t thrown away that reading list!
W: I though you might regret it. That* s why I picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
: Are you still teaching at the junior high school?
M: Not since June. My brother and I opened a restaurant as soon ashe got out of the amp3y.
Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
15.: Hi, Susan! Have you finished reading the book Professor Johnsoi mended?
W: Oh, I haven' t read it through the way I read a novel. I just read a few chapters which interested me.
Q: What does the woman mean?
: Jane missed the class again, didn* t she? I wonder why?
W: Well, I knew she had been absent all week. So I called her this morning to see if she was sick. It turned out that her husband was badly injured in a car accident.
Q:What does the woman say about Jane?
: I' m sure the Smiths' new house is somewhere on the street,but I don‘ t know exactly where it is.
M: But I’ m told it' s two blocks from their old home.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
: I’ ve been waiting here almost half an hour! e it took you so long?
M: Sorry, honey! I had to drive two blocks before I spotted a place to park the car.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
Conversation One:
M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.
W: Your name, please.


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