文档介绍:调查问卷 Questerionnaires
您好,我们将开一家新的蛋糕店,在此之前,我们想了解一下大家的想法,以便我们更好的发展,谢谢!(Heoll,we will open a new cake shop,before that, we would like to know some ideas,so that we can have a better future,thank you!)
您的性别(your gender) 女(female) 男(male)
2、您的年龄(your age) 1~15 15~19 20~24 25~29 30~34 35~44 45~54 55~64 65岁以上(over 65)
3、您的工作(your job)
4、每周去蛋糕店几次(how many times do you go to cake shop every week)
不是每个星期(not every week) 0~1 4~8 8次以上(over 8)
5、您喜欢的品种(kinds you like)
慕思蛋糕(Mousse Cake) 水果蛋糕(fruit cake) 提拉米苏(Tiramisu) 无糖蛋糕(no sugar cake) 栗子蛋糕(Chestnuts cake) 鲜奶蛋糕(milk cake) 巧克力蛋糕(chocolate) 冰淇淋蛋糕(ice cream cake) 芝士蛋糕(cheese cake) 抹茶蛋糕(Matcha cake) 其他(others)
6、您喜欢的造型(modeling you like)
卡通蛋糕(cartoon cake) 心形蛋糕(heart cake) 麻将蛋糕(Mahjong cake) 球类蛋糕(ball cake) 个性创意蛋糕(Creative personality cake) 星座蛋糕(Constellation cake) 生肖蛋糕(Lunar New Year cake) 多层蛋糕(Multi cake) 惡作劇系列(Prank series)
方形蛋糕(square cake) 其他(others)
7、您买蛋糕的用途(the way to use it)
生日(birthday) 庆典(Celebration) 婚礼(Wedding) 生子满月(Son full moon) 爱情(love) 孝敬长辈(Honor your elders) 逗孩子(With the baby) 自己吃(eat by yourself) 其他(others)
8、您会在蛋糕店里买的饮品(drinks you will buy in the cake shop)
奶茶(milk tea) 红茶