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文档介绍:MODULE 7 Plane, boats and trains
1. the longest journey 最长的旅程
2. by 直接加交通工具单数 by bike/ bus/ train
3. get to school 到学校 get home/there/here 到家
4. live farthest from the school
住得离学校最远 farthest 为副词,是far的最高级,可省略the, 形容词最高级前面一定要加the
5. the ( best )way to 去……的(最好)方式
6. the most dangerous way 最危险的方式
most fortable way 最不舒适的方式
the most famous ferry 最著名的渡船
safe/cheap/ expensive/popular/fast/quick/interesting/
7. be closest to 离……最近
go to work 去上班
8. take a train to sw. 乘火车去……
9. the fastest train 最快的火车
10. from…to…从……到……
11. in eight minutes 八分钟后(将来时)
12. the same …相同的……
the same school 相同的学校
some time by…乘……花……时间 take ten minutes by car 乘汽车花十分钟
14. more than = over 超过……,多于……
15. one of the busiest international airlines 最繁忙的航线之一
16. a distance of …kilometers ……公里的距离
17. in nine and a half hours 在九个半小时后
18. buy a ticket at the bus stop 在汽车站买票 19. millions of Americans 上百万美国人
2 million people 两百万人
20. A taxi from Shanghai to the airport is cheaper than the train for two people. 对两个人来说从上海到机场乘出租车比乘火车便宜。
22. The Boeing 747 travels longer than other planes.
23. I like to travel by bus because it’s safer than going (动名词)by car.
24. Other ferries go from the Hong Kong ferry terminal to the islands.
25. The cheapest way is by bus.
不能说:By bus is the…way.
26. travel to school 去上学
27. Who travels (the 可省略) farthest to school? 28. Who has the long