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上传人:pppccc8 2018/7/26 文件大小:52 KB




-->IMF cut the Irish economy groain trading partners eurozone, British and American economic outlook "continued to oary fund (IMF) on 7 September in 2011 cut the Irish and economic groic the deterioration of the environment y groay be offset by rescue cost reduction, European leaders in the July agree to reduce interest rate for the loan.
IMF F earlier forecast of the country's 2011 years, and 2012 years prediction GDP groinister noonan (MichaelNoonan) on Tuesday, September 6,) in an interviey to force is stimulated groent by daily consumer goods out of control. And medicine product export drive, Ireland June trade surplus record high."
Irish need more money to support
The IMF said, Ireland is still deeply debt crisis effects, though the Irish debt prospects get better, but as the market access, and may still need more aid money.
The IMF said, Ireland is still in the eurozone debt crisis by the affected, as the market access, and may need through the eurozone aid funds get more liquidity.
For Irish aid plan of the IMF latest assessment report, the Irish government has been trying to fight for market access, and effectively implement the tightening financial plan. But the market persistent fear makes Ireland's efforts pale, market e as Greek debt restructuring.
The IMF said, although the European leaders July summit decided to reduce the Irish aid loan bur


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