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本文在学****微带天线和天线阵的原理和基本理论,加以分析,利用Ansoft 公司的高频电磁场仿真软件HFSS,设计了中心频率在10GHz的4元均匀直线微带阵列,优化和调整了相关参数,然后分别对单个阵元和天线阵进行仿真,对仿真结果进行分析,对比两者在相关参数的差异。最后得到的研究结果表明,微带天线阵列相较于单个微带天线,由于阵元间存在互耦效应以及存在馈电网络的影响,微带阵列天线的回波损耗要大于单个阵元。但是天线阵列增益明显大于单个微带天线,且阵列天线比单个阵元具有更好的方向性。
关键词:微带天线微带阵列天线方向性增益 HFSS仿真
Design of  Radio-Frequency  Microstrip Array Antenna
Microstrip antenna is a kind of antenna form with many advantages like,small size, light weight, low profile, easy-to-carrier conformal, easy integration with many other of microwave integrated circuits and so on. Now microstrip array have been wildly applied in the filed of wireless
communications, remote sensing and radar,and many other filed. While some study also found that because of the microstrip antenna’s structural characteristics, there are some disadvantages, such as narrow-band, low gain,poor we use microstrip antenna elements arranged in accordance with certain laws together to form a microstrip array antenna to enhance the directivity and improve the gain of the antenna.
In this paper, after learning the basic theory and principles about microstrip antenna and antenna array, I designed two kind of antenna models with 10GHz of center frequency,one is the single antenna,the other one is an antenna array with 4 single antenna .Then using Ansoft's high frequency ic simulation software HFSS, optimize and adjust the relevant parameters .After that, we used the HFSS to simulate the single array element and an antenna array analyzed the simulation results, compared to the difference in the relevant parameters. The resulting suggested that because of the presence of mutual coupling effects and the impact of the presence of the work between the pickets, the return loss of microstrip antenna array is greate


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