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上传人:yzhlya 2018/7/29 文件大小:753 KB




First ,we will see some news photos! Hurricane Sandy Pictures: Floods, Fire, Snow in the Aftermath
Calm After the Storm
Beach, Before Landfall
Fire, Water ...
… and Snow
Cleanup Underway
Ground Zero, Again
In a Jam
Lower Manhattan
Laid Low
Why would e like this?
Because the
power of nature
Hurricane causing numerous deaths and forcing hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. So what’s a hurricane? What’s the difference between a hurricane and a mere storm? A hurricane is a severe tropical storm that forms in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Northeast Pacific Ocean east of the dateline, or the South Pacific Ocean east of 160E. Hurricanes need warm tropical oceans, moisture and light winds above them. If the right conditions last long enough, a hurricane can produce violent winds, unbelievable waves, heavy rains and floods. Hurricanes rotate in a counterclockwise direction around an “eye”. A tropical storm es a hurricane when winds reach 74 miles per hour. The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. The East Pacific hurricane season runs from May 15 through November 30, with peak activity occurring during July through September. When hurricanes move onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees and cars.


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