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文档介绍:1 General Principles
This specification is prepared to implement the national technical and economical policies in steel structure engineering and to make sure that the specification is advanced in technology, rational in economics, secure and applicable in practice, quality-ensured.
This specification fits for the welding of structural carbon steel and low alloy, high strength structural steel of which the thickness is greater than or equal to 3mm, which are widely used in industrial and civil architecture and structural steel work in general architectures such as truss or spatial grid structure, multilayer and high-rise beam-column structure, and the welding. The welding methods applied includes manual arc welding, gas-shielded welding, self protection welding, hidden arc welding, electroslag welding, electrogas arc welding, cotter welding and its corresponding welding bination.
The welding of structural steel should conform to the regulations of the existing safety technology and labor protection.
In addition to the present specification, the welding of a steel structure should conform to the existing national mandatory standards.
2 Basic Provisions
The difficult with steel structural engineering for building can be divided into average, relatively difficult and difficult. Before undertaking a welding work for structural steel engineering, a anization should be provided with certain technical conditions corresponding to the welding difficulties. The difficult with steel structural engineering for building can be differentiated as in the following table.
Table Criterions for differentiating welding difficulties with steel structure for building
Affecting factors
of welding
Welding difficulty
and constraint
Sheet Thickness
strained condition
Carbon equivalent of steel ①
Simple butt joint, angle joint; weld seam can contract freely
Tension press un for general stati


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