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Can Dogs and Cats Along 猫狗能否好好相处呢.doc

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Can Dogs and Cats Along 猫狗能否好好相处呢.doc

上传人:tiros009 2018/8/1 文件大小:28 KB


Can Dogs and Cats Along 猫狗能否好好相处呢.doc


文档介绍:Can Dogs and Cats Along 猫狗能否好好相处呢
If you have brothers and sisters, you know it’pletely natural for arguments to take place from time to time. OK...it’pletely natural for arguments to take place all the time!This doesn’t mean you don’t love each other, though. It just means you spend a lot of time together and it’s only natural to have disagreements. You may even hear parents say their kids “fight like cats and dogs.”“Fighting like cats and dogs” is mon phrase that people use to mean people argue, fight or don’t get along. If you like cartoons, you’ve probably seen many that portray1 cats and dogs fighting like sworn enemies2. There have even been movies made that describe cats against dogs.
Are cats and dogs natural enemies that can never get along? Or is there hope for a truce between the members of the feline3 and canine4 species? If you observe cats and dogs or ask people who own both cats and dogs, you will get lots of opinions on the subject. Cats and dogs will obviously fight from time to time. There is no doubt that some dogs will chase cats and maybe even harm them if given the chance. However, people who own both dogs and cats will also tell you that they