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文档介绍:N d一),图表手机的用户的注册量
S1The chart above demonstrates cleanly that remarkable change have taken place with regard to the mobile-phone subscription in the upon the data provided, one can see that the subscription number in developing countries has been on a rapid rise all the time .S3In the year of 2000,the number was only about billon, while within no more than several years ,it went sharply to 4 billon in 2008. S5Meanwhile,the subscriptions in developed countries have witnessed a slight increase ,reaching 1 billon in 2008 .
S1It’s not difficult job for me to put forward some factor responsible for those changes.//At top of the list, a growing number of people are rich enough to afford mobile-phone.//According to a recent survey ,approximately 78% oof the people think that mobile phone in life are necessary .//In addition ,we must admit that developing countries have a far greater population and therefore a larger demand for mobile service.//Last but not the list, the fact cannot be ignored that the mobile services in developing countries has been increasing cheaper.
Taking into account what has been argued so far, a conclusion can be drawn safely that the trend is normal and acceptable. S2 And I firmly believe that the situation will continue in the ing year.
二)The chart above demonstrates cleanly that remarkable change have taken place with regar


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