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2001年4月自考英语(二)试题耄耋(MAO DIE 八九十岁)
I. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item)
was there, the police believe, _ she was able to activate the recorder she kept in her 、until B、which C、that D、when
2. It is not yet known puters will one day have vision as good as human vision.
A、whether B、if C、that D、how
3. If you are now ____ you ought to pay more attention to your health.
A、in the fifties B、in your fifties C、in fifties D、in your fifty
4. Americans have learned much about the way in which the system can be managed so as to ____ the peaceful transfer of power from one party to the other.
A、make it possible B、make possible C、make possibly D、make it possibly
5. _____ their differences, they fell passionately in love with each other.
A、As for B、Owing to C、Despite D、Through
6. Such attitudes amount to a belief ____ leisure can and should be put to good use.
A、which B、if C、whether D、that
7. ____ yourself to the job in hand, and you'll soon finish it.
A、Reply B、Imply C、Apply D、Supply
8. This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to ____ on your class assignments and projects.
A、day B、date C、number D、time
9. I can't ____ the meaning of his poem because it's too vague.
A、turn out B、put out C、figure out D、look out
10. Some people think that animal research is irrelevant ____ our health and that it can often produce misleading results.
A、with B、at C、on D、to
II. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item)
Tourism is the temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence (居住), the activities 11 during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to 12 their needs.
Tourism is a luxury. Until recently, participation 13 restricted to the select few 14 could afford both the time and money to travel. 15, increased leisure and high