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Chapter 1
1. The UK is made up of four parts, they are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. (Chapter1, p1)
2. Off the continental Europe lie two islands known as the British Isles. The largest of them is Great Britain. The next largest consists of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland which belongs to the UK. (Chapter1, p3)
3. The whole of the USA includes 50 states and a federal district, Washington District of Columbia, which is the seat of the Federal Government. (Chapter1, p3)
4. The two youngest states of the USA are Alaska in the northwestern part of North America and Hawaii in the central Pacific Ocean. (Chapter1, p2-3)
5. Alaska is the largest state in the USA, it was purchased by the USA from Russia in 1867 for $7,200,000. The total area is 1,500,0oo square kilometers, much of which is mountainous. (Chapter1, p9)
6. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean. Its capital is Honolulu on Oahu. Its area is 16,764 square kilometers. It became a republic in 1894, ceded itself to the USA in 1898 and became the fiftieth state of the USA in 1959. (Chapter1, p9)
7. The major rivers in the UK are the River Severn and the Thames. (Chapter1, p7)
major mountains in the UK are the Pennines in the middle, the Cambrians in the west and the Grampians in the North of Britain. (Chapter 1, p7)
Mississippi Rivers is the longest and the most important river in the USA. It flows from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. (Chapter1, p8)
the USA, there are three great mountain ranges: the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Great Cordillera Mountain Range. (Chapter1, p9)
Lake District area is very beautiful and quiet. Many English poets, such as W. Wordsworth and S. Coleridge wrote poems about the district. (Chapter1, p4)
12. Lough Neagh (纳湖) is a lake of 396 square kilometers in area, the largest lake in Northern Ireland, and in the British Isles as well. Lough is the Irish word for lake, meaning an arm