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爱拼才会赢 班会.ppt

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爱拼才会赢 班会.ppt


文档介绍:冷旋压封头工艺守则(Code of practice for cold spinning heads)
Cold spinning head process code
Subject content and scope of application
This standard provides the cold spinning two step production of pressure vessels, boilers and atmospheric containers head blank preparation, billet processing, press drum, flanging, head end heat treatment and other manufacturing requirements and inspection methods.
This standard applies to our factory produces cold spinning Dg800 ~ Dg5200 all kinds of heads.
Reference standard
GB150 - 1998 steel pressure vessel JB/T4746 - 2002.
Basic Requirements
Three point one
The head of a cold rotary pressure vessel ply with the regulations for the prosecution of the safety and technical regulations for pressure vessels, and the provisions of GB150 and relevant drawings and technological documents.
Three point two
Application of cold spinninghead materials for metal materials of carbon steel, low alloy steel and austenitic stainless steel elongation of not less than 18%.
Technical content
The types of spinning heads and the size of the blank are shown in table 1.
Blank preparation
Five point one
Production of materials used should be consistent with head holding quality documents of relevant standards, for the low temperature pressure vessel and vessel head, the plate ply with GB150 1998 or JB4732 1995 provisions and drawings and process documents, it shall conform to the requirements of technical agreement or ordering.
Five point two
The surface and the blank end processing without scar, crack dissection and burr.
Five point three
The puzzle of unfitness of butt B (see Figure 1) shall not be greater than the thickness of the steel plate s 10%, and not more than mm. The overlap edge B (see Figure 2) of the posite plate is no larger than that of the steel plate
The thickness of the 3%, and not more than 1 mm.
Five point four
Manufacturing units shall according to the acceptance of the steel plate quality c


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