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新闻传播学导论(Introduction to journalism munication ).doc

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新闻传播学导论(Introduction to journalism munication ).doc

上传人:xinsheng2008 2018/8/10 文件大小:25 KB


新闻传播学导论(Introduction to journalism munication ).doc


文档介绍:新闻传播学导论4(Introduction to journalism munication 4)
Spread the psychological pressure, can enhance the sense of responsibility and enhance munication ability of work
Opposite the main entrance
Three. Feedback the response of the sender to the message transmitted by the transmitter
A research
Send information guidance
Communicator 48 code industry
Explanation kaoyangj
Reduction industry
Code number 48 is transmitted by all participants
Interpretation counseling
Reduction of 021-
The front door of B is opposite
Interest C 200092
Streaming D class
Feedback information across the main entrance
Feedback effective feedback: the sender sends out and senses municator, thus strengthening or modifying the feedback of the munication behavior
Ineffective feedback: it is not accepted municators, and therefore does not help to change the feedback of munication behavior
It is the disseminator's responsibility to provide more channels for positive feedback
municator's behavior is always active, and the feedback of the sender is passive
Only by reasonably using feedback and improving the content and mode munication can municators produce new purposeful behaviors
The feedback of munication is slow, sporadic and indirect, and the quality of return is not high
Feedback: the process that the sender sends out the given information, acts on the sender, and then returns to the sender and affects the re output of the information
Negative feedback: make a given information close to the target value
munication purpose close to social effect
Communicators use negative feedback to regulate the spread of behavior, which is more consistent with the dissemination munication target
Positive feedback: the deviation of the given information from the target value
The difference between the given information and the real information tends to aggravate the movement of the system deviating from the target
The occurrence and aggravation of deviation wi