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Teaching aims
Make the students master the sentence grammar:
to change the sentence into the general
question sentence.
to add ‘NOT” to the sentencens.
to use verbs.
to use words
How to change the sentence into the general question
There are be-verbs in the sentence.
1. He is a busy man.
‘s mother is reading.
teachers are going to take a trip.
are pens and books.
am busy today.
are working with numbers.
and Lily are doing homework.
are good children.
There are can,must and should in the sentence.
can have a blue car.
can go there by bus.
must go there tomorrow.
should work hard.
There aren’t be-verbs or can(must,should)
in the sentences.
like English.
go to work by bus.
goes to school with Tom.
mother often plays football.
Some key points.

He has some books.
I would like some food.
He often does homework in the evening.
They do some cleaning on Sunday.
Do exercises.
is some water in the cup.
are teachers.
am working with numbers.
can make a kite.
does homework every night.
like swimming.
goes home on foot.
draw pictures on Sunday.
would like to do some washing.
For example
he, take a trip
He takes a trip.
Does he take a trip?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
he, play basketball
Xiao Ge, puter games


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