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文档介绍:2013 年安徽专升本考试《英语》试题
, Have a good day.
A. It’s OK. B. It’s my pleasure. C. Nothing particular. D. No problem. 2. The owner of the stone his floor when I walked in.
A. is sweeping B. sweeps C. was sweeping. D. swept 3. Never ignore the impression you may make others.
A. for B. on C. to D. with 4. We’ll go for a ic depends on the weather.
A. Whether B. If C. That D. Why 5. As he has been in America for 3years now, Hong Liang is for China.
A. anxious B. famous C. responsible D. homesick 6. American Global University is a private institution of higher learning, in June of 1996.
A. founding B. to found C. having founded D. founded wish e back to Beijing with us, but that’s for you to decide.
A. will B. should C. would D. shall
you want to eat out, you’better call a restaurant and make .
A. a reservation B. an effort C. a decision D. a deal
’m terribly sorry. I seem to have my book at home.
A. scattered B. forgotten C. left D. hidden
Fool’s day is a day people play jokes on friends.
A. when B. why C. that D. which
11. Even as a child, Daisy was a(n) reader. She spent all of her pocket money on books.
A. careful B. patient C. keen D. efficient ring has been in my family .It was my great -grandmother’s originally.
A. handed down B. picked up C. left behind D. given out 13. Sophia spok


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