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文档介绍:An Analysis to the Differences between Chinese and Western Food Culture
Li Genghe
Class 1,Grade 09
Foreign Languages College of
Capital Normal University
Sep 21,2009

This paper aims to understand plicated aspects of food culture and to guide the catering things in restaurants and so on. In order to achieve this goal, this paper makes an analysis in detail to the differences of food culture between the Chinese and Western as well as the mutual supplementation patibleness of the two food cultures under the globalization. In the basis of improving our ability of realization, we should enhance the strong points and avoids weaknesses, improving diet structure, advancing the diet quality and ensuring everyone to have healthy diet in their daily life. The study conducted of the differences of food culture in the macroscopic field of cross-munication also can promote the mutual understanding between the people of the East and West. It could promote the exchange and make people enjoy the different feelings through the different diet. In order to make out a more scientific study conclusion which has a strong persuasive power, this paper makes a thorough analysis with the contrasting method to the differences of the two different food cultures. And this is carried out in the following five aspects: cooking criteria, cultural characteristics, food objects, eating habits and table manners. From this, I summarize their respective characteristics, the good and bad points and the different historical origins as well as finally initiate a dining approach to unify them together. This article is divided into five parts.
Key Words: Food cultures;


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