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文档介绍:Student Empowerment in the English Classroom Teaching
Abstract: The study explores the relationship betpoent and their Band 4 results. The purpose is to find poent approach and their mand of English. In the long run, it aims at developing a supportive and positive classroom environment in helping students to learn and use English in a more active and realistic poent; traditional approach; interest, score
: H319 : A :1672-1578(2011)10-0014-01

1 Introduction
Most of the schools in China are generally managed in a traditional aterials, design curriculum, set objectives, decide on the pace of the learning process and establish standards. Under such kind of “boss management” environment, students al model in 1986. “The learner-centered curriculum model stresses the collaborative effort betaking process regarding the curriculum content, objectives and decision about ho development.” Based on this model, students should be empoaterial selection, curriculum design and learning objective setting.
3 Methodology and data collection
Classroom observation and test are used to collect data. Data analyses are both quantitative and qualitative. Subjects involved are 100 sophomores majoring in Chemistry. They are divided into te textbook—“Nee teaching time, the same pace of teaching and take part in the Band 4 examination after one academic year. In the first term, the teacher in the tested group divides students into ten groups and assigns each group a topic based on the textbook. Students in each group have to search enough materials about that topic. In class, the teacher adopts the ask-ansunication mode. In the second term, students in the tested group take part in collaborative teaching. Similarly, students are divided into several groups and each group is assigned some teaching task and takes turns to teach a lesson. In this e kind of petitions and debates regularly. Students in the contrast group adopt the traditional approach—extensive reading. This approach i


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