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上传人:qsrkmc24 2018/8/12 文件大小:116 KB




关键词:虚构交易; 财务报表; 万福生科
The pany Financial Statements Fraud Analysis—For Wan Fu Biotechnology as an example
Abstract: Along with the modern market economy development, between enterprise'petition is day by day intense, in order to seek the survival, the development, pursues the enterprise value maximization , emphasizes the management and operation the validity, this needs the information which obtains through the analysis financial report, putation, comparison and generalized analysis correct appraisal enterprise finance condition merits, thus judgment enterprise's prospects for development. However our country current some to be listed in order to achieve the enterprise high-level economy and the political objective, use some illegal accountant the method to carry on to enterprise's financial report form create a false impression, create the financial information to distort, not only has harmed national and the general investor's benefit, moreover is increasingly fierce along with this kind of phenomenon, posed the huge threat stably to our country stock market. Meanwhile the financial report form creates a poor impression, causes the losses to enterprise own image, causes the enterprise the survival faced with the risk. This article through the method to be listed Wan Fu Biotechnology which the branch finance report form creates a false impression to carry on the analysis, analyzes it to operate the accounting information the motive, thus proposed the government to be listed finance report form creates a poor impression the behavior the suggestion.
Key Words:Fictitious Sale; Financial Statement; Wan Fu Biotechnology
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研究背景及意义 1